
11 Conclusion

The journey has come to an end, and what a delightful journey it has been. You started by learning some simple animations and how to apply them to your app, blazed through using both built-in and custom transitions and finished up with an entirely custom component from a real-world product!

The technical, creative and conceptual concepts you’ve learned in this book will aid you in adding much more liveliness and richness to your apps. From small, yet experience-enhancing animations, all through bold and impactful transitions.

We hope your learning journey has been pleasurable and you’re motivated to explore the many options SwiftUI provides for creating your very own animations. We’re looking forward to seeing what you make! ;]

In a swift transition, if you want to dive deeper into SwiftUI itself, you might enjoy some of our other books, such as SwiftUI Fundamentals and SwiftUI by Tutorials.

If you have any questions or comments as you work through this book, please stop by our forums at https://forums.kodeco.com and look for this book’s forum category.

Thank you again for purchasing this book. Your continued support is what makes the books, tutorials, videos and other things we do at kodeco.com possible. We truly appreciate it!

– The SwiftUI Animations by Tutorials team